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Portrait of Cédric, Master Trainer and Special Production Manager for 25 years
![Portrait de Cédric, maître d'apprentissage et responsable fabrication spéciale chez Vicard depuis 25 ans - ©Vidéo réalisée par Tomas MATTA Photographie](/img/uploads/articles/1699967546.669/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%202023-11-14%20%C3%A0%2014.04.20.png?w=750&s=74c42942ac3dbe29ba67a7b095630343)
Explore the behind-the-scenes of Cédric's profession, Master Trainer and Special Production Manager, who has been working for over 25 years at Vicard Cooperage.
A new episode will be released every week. Stay tuned not to miss the upcoming episodes!
You can view all the portraits on our YouTube page: TONNELLERIE VICARD